Author: Mike Estephan (Page 2 of 4)

Round 6 (MW) – Weakness

You are working at Clerkship General when the base command phone rings –

“Hey doc just wanted to give you a heads up on this stroke alert we’re bringing you – we have a 70yo M with sudden onset left arm numbness and weakness, last known well 2 hours ago, we’ll be there in about 5 minutes”

Initial Vital Signs:

HR 120

BP 180/90

RR 22

O2 97%

Temp 97.7F

Critical Actions:

1. Check a blood glucose

2. Diagnose Aortic Dissection

3. Give Esmolol first, titrate to HR<60

4. Give Nicardipine/Clevidipine second, titrate for SBP 100-120

5.   Consult cardiothoracic surgery for type A dissection

Further Reading:

EMCrit – Aortic Dissection

Round 5 (MW) – Leg Pain

You are working at Clerkship General Hospital when EMS calls in a female with opioid overdose, but she won’t stop complaining of leg pain…

Initial Vitals:

Temp: 98

BP: 120/80

HR: 89

RR: 20

O2 Sat: 100%

Critical Actions:

  • Treat patient’s pain without NSAIDs (history of solitary kidney)
  • Assess patient’s leg pain beyond the point of just fracture vs. no fracture
  • Recognize the signs and symptoms of compartment syndrome
  • Get orthopedic surgery to bedside emergently for fasciotomy
  • Recognize and treat rhabdomyolysis

Deep Dive MW R4

Diabetic Ketoacidosis – hyperglycemia, ketosis, and anion gap metabolic acidosis

  • Don’t forget about euglycemic DKA (especially in setting of SGLT2 inhibitor) or mimics such as alcoholic ketoacidosis
  1. Treatment of the ketoacidosis
    • Insulin (usually a drip or bolus + drip) – only once K>3.5
    • Volume Resuscitation (NS initially, change to LR)
    • Bicarb drip (poor evidence, only as last resort for critical patients)
  2. Treatment of electrolyte abnormalities
    • Correct sodium for hyperglycemia
    • Replete potassium if K<5.0, PO and IV simultaneously
      • consider central line if patient hypokalemic and in extremis/critical DKA
  3. Management of respiratory status
    • Avoid intubation at all costs unless altered or impending respiratory failure
      • Mechanical ventilation limits your minute ventilation, leading to worsening acidosis. Breath stacking occurs if you set the RR too high.
    • Support work of breathing with NIPPV (high IPAP, low EPAP)
    • If intubation necessary, consider awake intubation or consider using bicarb pushes if performing RSI

Further Reading:


Round 4 (MW) – Shortness of Breath

You are working a shift at Clerkship General when the charge nurse comes and grabs you to see a 24yo male who appears to be in respiratory distress.

Critical Actions:

  1. Diagnose DKA
  2. Replete potassium
  3. Start insulin AFTER potassium repletion
  4. EITHER place central line for faster K repletion OR initiate bipap to allow time for potassium repletion via existing peripheral line
  5. Admit to ICU

Further Reading:

EMCrit – DKA

Interviews Part 2 – Acing your interview

Before interview day, do your research on programs and interviews and reflect on the way in which you want to portray yourself.

On interview day, have a cheat sheet with notes about your conversations, questions, and pro-cons. Remember to stay calm, take a pause if you need to, and above all be authentic to who you are.

After interview day, be sure to capture you gut impression and write down any follow-up questions or concerns remaining.

Here are some resources to use for interview day:

EMRA Residency Interview Guide

AliEM – Dos and Don’ts of residency interviewing

EMRA – Common Interview Questions

EMRA – Making the most out of interview day

ALiEM – EM Match Advice Podcast Episode

Interviews Part 1 – Crafting your schedule

  1. Understand the timeline – research programs to find out when they extend invites and when they host interviews
  2. Prepare for invitations – set up email and text notifications, get a calendar
  3. Accept invitations – respond promptly and keep your calendar updated
  4. Optimize invitations – any interview date you get is a good one, but planning ahead can help you optimize timing
  5. Too many or too little interviews – drop early, keep tabs with whether programs have extended invites and stay in close contact with your advisors

Deep Dive MW R2

Summary of Key Points

1. You should consider ectopic pregnancy in every patient who is capable of bearing children

2. If a patient of child bearing age presents with severe abdominal pain or vaginal bleeding and is either hemodynamically unstable or very ill appearing, this is a ruptured  ectopic pregnancy until proven otherwise and I would recommend performing a bedside FAST exam immediately.

3. Remember that the discriminatory zone for TVUS is approximately 1500.  

4. Don’t forget your three ACEP clinical policies on this topic: just to remind you, 

4a.  It is a level B ACEP clinical policy to obtain a TVUS in every stable pregnant patient presenting with abdominal pain or vaginal bleeding, regardless of serum b-HCG level

4b.  There is also a level B ACEP clinical policy stating that in patients with an indeterminate TVUS, you cannot use serum bHCG value to rule out ectopic pregnancy.

4c. It is a level C ACEP clinical policy to obtain specialty consultation or arrange close outpatient followup in all patients with an indeterminate TVUS result.

5. Although this isn’t an ACEP recommendation, ACOG recommends rhogam for all Rh negative women diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy

6. Don’t forget to consider heterotopic pregnancy, especially if IVF was used to help conceive. 

Further Reading:

ACEP Clinical Policy – Early Pregnancy

Round 2 (MW) – Abdominal Pain

You are working at Clerkship General when the next chart gets handed to you – a 31 year old female presenting with abdominal pain.

Initial Vitals:

BP: 109/65

HR: 96

RR: 21

O2: 99%

Temp: 99.1F

Critical Actions:

  1. Obtain pregnancy test
  2. Confirm IUP
  3. Administer Rhogam
  4. Treat UTI
  5. Counsel the patient and discharge them

Further Reading:

CoreEM – Utility of Anti-D Immunoglobulin(Rho Gam) During First Trimester Pregnancy

EMDocs – Bleeding in Early Pregnancy

Selecting Programs

Things to consider when selecting residency programs to apply to:

 1.  What type of program (County, Community, Academic)
 2.  What length of program (3 year vs. 4 year)
 3.  Location
 4.  Culture and Lifestyle
 5.  Niches in EM

Further Resources:

EMRA Residency Map
Doximity Navigator
SAEM Residency Fair
EMRA Residency Fair


3 Steps to assessing your competitiveness for matching in an EM residency:

 1.  Get a good advisor.
 2.  Look at the data.
 3.  Maximize your potential.

Further Reading:

EMRA – Apply smarter not harder
EMRA Hangouts
EMRA Student-Resident Mentorship Program
NRMP Charting the Outcomes
NRMP Residency Data
ALiEM – Match Advice

Round 1 (MW) – Shortness of Breath

You are working your FIRST SHIFT EVER at Clerkship General hospital when a 60 year old female presents with shortness of breath.

Initial Vitals:

  • HR: 92
  • RR: 28
  • BP: 120/80
  • O2%: 89%
  • Temp: 101.2F

Critical Actions:

  • Obtain full set of vital signs
  • Diagnose PNA and COPD exacerbation
  • Administer appropriate antibiotics
  • Treat symptoms with steroids and nebulizers
  • Admit patient to the hospital

Round 35 (Pediatric Trauma)

You are working at *rural* Clerkship General when you receive a radio call from EMS – 7yo male from a severe bus accident with a large scalp laceration, unable to control the hemorrhage.

Initial Vitals

  • HR: 136
  • RR: 22
  • BP: 80/35
  • O2%: 100%
  • Temp: 98F

Critical Actions:

  • Perform ATLS Algorithm
  • Control Hemorrhage
  • Transfuse pRBCs
  • Replete Factor VIII with correct dosing (100% replacement)
  • Diagnose supracondylar fracture on XR and splint appropriately

Further Reading:

emDOCs – Managing Hemophilia in the ED

CoreEM – Supracondylar fracture in the ED

Bradycardia (Deep Dive R34)

Asymptomatic Bradycardia – usually don’t treat

Symptomatic Stable Bradycardia – atropine, further workup

Symptomatic Unstable Bradycardia – SIMULTANEOUS treatment with medications and electricity

  • Meds: Trial of atropine, then either epinephrine, dopeamine, or isoproterenol
  • Electricity: Transcutaneous Pace –> TVP

DDX of Bradycardia – BRADIE

Blocks (av blocks)

Reduced vital signs (hypoxemia, hypothermia, hypoglycemia)

Acs (acute coronary syndrome/ischemia)

Drugs (beta blocker, calcium channel blocker, digoxin, organophosphate)

Infection/Inc ICP (Lyme, myocarditis // cushings reflex)

Electrolyte/Endocrine (hyperkalemia, hypermagnesemia, hypocalcemia // myxedema coma)

ERAS 2 of 2 – How to fill out the CV section

What is most important to programs from ERAS? SLOEs, clinical grades on EM rotations and residency interviews.

How do you look good on interviews? Have a thorough ERAS application that gives interviewers lots to ask about!

On ERAS, there are four sections in the curriculum vitae portion:

  1. Education – honorary societies, medical school awards, other awards/accomplishments (e.g. college, volunteer, previous career awards)
  2. Experiences –
    1. Work (paid, unpaid clinical or teaching)
    2. Volunteer (public service, leadership, clubs and organizations)
    3. Research (labs, projects)
  3. Licensure – only if previous medical career, legal history
  4. Publications – papers, presentations, online publications

Don’t forget to add some personality to your application with the hobbies section!

Further Reading

ERAS 1 of 2 – The 8 parts of the application

ERAS Pt 1: The 8 Parts of the Application
There are 8 parts to the application:

  1. Personal and Biographic Information – mostly self-explanatory
  2. Curriculum Vitae (Resume) – keep an updated CV throughout medical school to make
    this easy to fill out, be concise but specific
  3. Personal Statement – start early
  4. Letters of Recommendation – should ideally have two SLOEs from rotations in EM
    departments plus one extra letter
  5. Test Scores – transfer reports from USMLE or COMLEX
  6. MSPE or Dean’s Letter – submitted by your school
  7. Medical School Transcript – submitted by your school
  8. Photo – business professional headshot with neutral background

Further Reading:

CordEM – SLOE 1

CordEM – SLOE 2

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